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THE Philippine National Police Aviation Security Group (PNP-AVSEGROUP) and the Airport Police Department (APD) at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) terminal 1, in coordination with Office of Transportation Security (OTS) and the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA), arrested yesterday afternoon (Wednesday) a Security Screening Officer (SSO) from the OTS manning the X-ray after a Hong Kong- bound Chinese passenger complained that his watch was missing in his hand carry bag.

Police arrested SSO Valeriano Diaz Ricaplaza Jr. , 31, after the Chinese passenger identified as Sun Yuhong complained that his watch was missing inside his hand carry bag after undergoing X-ray.

SSO Ricaplaza denied the accusation of the passenger as the two were brought to the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) room to view the incident where Ricaplaza was seen taking away the said item as police immediately arrested him. He is now in the custody of the PNP-AVSEGROUP for further questioning.

The designation of OTS Regional Heads and Terminal Chiefs to regularly inspect, monitor and oversee the security screening operations led to the immediate detection of illegal activities and ensured on the spot correction on security deficiencies at airport screening operations. This was further bolstered by the constant coordination among airport authorities such as the PNP-AVSEGROUP, Manila International Airport Authority and OTS. (JERRY S. TAN)

Tags: National Police Aviation Security Group (PNP-AVSEGROUP) and the Airport Police Department (APD)

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