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(right) BI chief Tansingco holds the MOA which he signed with the CFO. (JERRY S. TAN)

CFO and BI sign MOA on shared system

By: Jerry S. Tan

In a significant step towards enhancing migration management and public service, the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) and the Bureau of Immigration (BI) have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA on the Shared Government Information System on Migration.

The signing ceremony took place today at the BI’s main office in Intramuros, Manila, with CFO Secretary Romulo V. Arugay and BI Commissioner Norman G. Tansingco as the signatories.

The MOA aims to provide a simplified and more efficient means of processing, collecting, verifying, and sharing information or data needed by both the CFO and the BI.

Through system interoperability and real-time data sharing, services will be streamlined, ensuring efficient and effective public service. Additionally, the agreement seeks to address and eliminate illegal recruitment, human trafficking, and irregular migration incidents in the Philippines while generating accurate data on migration.

Speaking at the event, BI Commissioner Norman G. Tansingco highlighted the significance of the collaboration and the impact it will have on migration management.

“The signing of this Memorandum of Agreement reinforces our commitment to providing streamlined and efficient services to the public while safeguarding the rights and welfare of our fellow Filipinos,” said Tansingco. “By integrating our systems and sharing real-time data, we can effectively respond to the challenges posed by migration,” he added.

The MOA signifies the joint efforts of the CFO and the BI in addressing the challenges of migration and ensuring the well-being of Filipino migrants. By harnessing the power of technology and data, the system is expected to contribute to a more secure and efficient migration process.

Tags: BI Commissioner Norman G. Tansingco

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